Tuesday, December 4, 2012


So much has changed in my life since March 2011. That was the absolute worst year of my life. I learned more about myself than ever before through my actions and how poorly I coped with devastation in my personal life. I loved hard, lost love, lost my mind, then found it again in a ditch on the side of a dirt road in rural GA. Like a scared and tormented animal, biting and attacking out of fear and pain, I slowly found my way back to a state of emotional health. It was that point in my life when I had absolutely no one (save my mother) to give a damn. I was at that point where God allows you to get when He is ready for you to stop screwing around and get to the job He has planned. It was hard. I didn't do it alone. I only give glory and thanks to God and my mama, and everyone who prayed for me. It is truly by the grace and mercy of God that I am even alive. That said, I have found my voice again. I have learned to feel again. I am allowing myself to work through emotions and heartache one at a time through poetry, song, etc. I will be posting some pretty raw, emotional stuff on here. Most of this is just for me. Read it if you want. It may help you. It may disturb you. Some of what I plan to post is older work, so know that and don't be thinking "oh hell...call 911" lol. I am fine. I am strong. I am becoming whole. I feel great. I am happy. I am more true to myself than ever before because I only hold fast to God.