Monday, March 10, 2014
I've been a sci-fi fan most of my life and loved to read books about other worlds and star systems with intelligent life far more advanced than our own. Fiction. Funny thing though- in the conspiracy circles, there is speculation about certain beings that parade about and live as humans. They aren't human, but Reptilian. I don't know if they are real or not. That isn't the point. What is highlighted in my mind is this- the first recorded account the human race ever had with a reptile was in the Garden of Eden when the serpent tempted Eve. These reptilian beings that supposedly live with us here on Earth have the same characteristics of snakes, lizards, etc. Is this coincidence? Could it be possible that these reptilian beings are taking on the form of their ruler satan? Reptiles or demons? Maybe I just have a big imagination and have been working night shift too long. :)